The Atlanta Police Department is conducting a Tactical Neighborhood Canvass to gather information and leads on a homicide that occurred at 567 West Lake Avenue, NW, on April 5th, 2012. Robert Dowell, (B/M, 12/6/58), was found lying in the street around 4:30 a.m. at that location by an officer on patrol. An autopsy determined he died from gunshot wounds to his legs. The canvass will be performed on Wednesday, 5/16/2012, at 4:30 p.m. A field briefing will be held at the intersection of Madrona St. @ West Lake Ave. NW. The following units will participate in the canvass: Zone 1 FIT/CID, Gangs Unit, C.O.P. S. Unit, A.P.E.X. Unit, Crime Stoppers Unit, Motors Unit, Mounted Patrol, Strong Detail Unit and Homicide Unit. Community participation is also expected. These Tactical Neighborhood Canvasses have made a significant impact on information developed during the investigation on past homicide cases.