Topic: Doing Business in the Oil and Gas Sector in Azerbaijan
Host: Ambassador Richard L. Morningstar
Date, time, time zone for call: Monday, June 9, 2014; 9:00 a.m. EDT (6:00 p.m. in Baku, Azerbaijan)
Brief Description of call: Ambassador Morningstar will provide an update on energy issues in Azerbaijan, including the opening of the Southern Gas Corridor and the beginning of work on the massive second stage of the Shah Deniz project. Over the next few years, an estimated $45 billion will be spent to develop Shah Deniz gas and ship it to Europe. In a project of this scope, there are significant opportunities for U.S. firms. Following the Ambassador’s presentation, Attendees will have an opportunity to participate in the Q & A portion of the Direct Line call. The Direct Line call will be a teleconference only, so companies can dial in from their location. This call will take place for 60 minutes.