Topic: U.S. Commercial Prospects in India's Private Weather Forecasting and Climate Prediction Industry
Date, time, time zone for call: Wednesday, June 4, 2014; 10:00 a.m. EDT.
Brief Description of Call: This event will build awareness about the economic potential to invest in, and/or partner with, India’s emerging private sector weather industry. Opportunities to be discussed include investment, distribution, and sales of data, analytical tools, software, hardware, and applications. Indian media has reported that India’s private weather industry is growing fast, having doubled in each of the last two years, with likely growth of 30% annually going forward; the Indian agricultural, aviation, financial and energy industries are key buyers of private weather data. The event will also evaluate relevant government tenders and prospects for public-private partnerships (PPPs) as well as options to collaborate with academia and civil society organizations.
Our panel includes Embassy leadership and sector experts:
Dr. Bill Gail, President, American Metrological Society (AMS) President
Mr. John Dunham, Unit Chief, Environment, Climate and Science, U.S. Embassy New Delhi