This morning, my office was informed that the Peachtree Streetcar was not awarded the TIGER Grant stimulus funding for surface transportation initiatives by the US Department of Transportation. While we are disappointed to not receive this particular round of funding for the Peachtree Streetcar, we will continue to aggressively pursue avenues for funding the streetcar initiative and I will be personally involved in securing the necessary funds at the Federal level. Our resolve to see this project through to completion remains steadfast and while this is certainly a temporary set-back, it is not an end to our ongoing efforts.
Georgia has received $5.9 billion in stimulus money and I will work hand in hand with our Georgia state leaders and our Washington partners to do what is best for our City. There is expected to be another round of TIGER Grant stimulus funding estimated at $600 million which we will be applying for. Atlanta must improve its transit connectivity and mobility in order to remain competitive with other urban areas. Our initial intention was to prepare an application that positioned us for other available federal grants and opportunities.
The initiative to make this application required strategic input and cooperation from the City, MARTA and the metro area business community as well as state and federal officials. I would like to thank everyone who has been involved in this project as we move on to the next phase of securing funding. This collaborative spirit is key to our future success on this project and other projects aimed at improving the quality of life in our city and state.
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