Commission on Aging By-laws
City of Atlanta Commission on Aging By-Laws
Article 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be the City of Atlanta Commission on Aging.
Article 2: Objectives and Purpose
The objective and purpose of this commission shall be to address the issues and concerns of the aging population of Atlanta; and for other purposes.
- a) The Atlanta City Council recognized the importance of a commission to serve on an ongoing basis to address the special needs of the elderly, which makes up about 17.1% of the City’s population based on a 2006 study by the Atlanta Regional Commission.
- b) The commission shall serve on an ongoing basis to address the special needs of the elderly as they relate to city services delivery including, but not limited to, traffic and transportation (pedestrian walks, traffic signals, etc.) sanitation services, public safety issues, recreation services, housing and social support services (O1-R-1450 sec. 5).
- c) The commission shall also serve as the ongoing advisory boy to the Mayor and City Council on matters relating to the delivery of services and the quality of life, for Atlanta’s older adult population (O1-R-1450 sec. 6).
Article 3: Membership
Section 1: The Members
The members shall consist of nineteen voting members to be appointed in the following manner:
Two Representatives to be appointed by the Mayor
Two Representatives to be appointed by the President of the City Council
One Representative to be appointed by each of the 15 Council members (O1-R-1450 sec. 2).
Section: Term of Office
Each member shall serve a term of four (4) years from the date of appointment (O1-R-1450 sec. 3).
Section 3: Resignation
Resignation will be accepted at any time after written notification to the appointing Council member and the Commission Chairperson.
Article 4: Officers and Staff
The Commission on Aging will conduct its business through the following officers to be elected by the body for a term of two (2) years: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Corresponding Secretary.
Section1: Chairperson
The Chairperson will conduct all meetings following an agenda that shall be approved by the body at the beginning of each meeting. The Chairperson shall also make monthly progress reports, provide guidance to the committees, keep the Commission informed on the aging issues, interpret the work of the Commission to the community, and work with the Staff to coordinate the work of the Commission.
Section 2: Vice Chairperson
The Vice-Chairperson shall conduct the above duties in the absence of the Chairperson. The Vice-Chairperson will communicate often with the Chair to keep him/her abreast of the issues and concerns that need to be addressed. The Vice-Chairperson will also serve as a timekeeper for all meetings.
Section 3: Secretary
The Secretary is responsible for recording the minutes of the meetings, checking roll, recording attendance, reading the minutes of each meeting, and maintaining records and the documents of the Commission (working with Staff to endure Council Requirements are met).
Section 4: Corresponding Secretary
The Corresponding Secretary is responsible for notifying membership and consultants of the meetings and schedule changes, as well as receiving and tracking member’s notification of absence.
Section 5: Staff
The Commission is staffed by a designee of the Chief of Staff or the Mayor’s Office. The Staff function is to oversee all the requirements of the Resolution and carry out its intent. Staff is responsible for any collections and reimbursements, maintenance of all records required by the City government; in addition, staff will serve as a resource, work with committees as needed, explore, design, implement and coordinate all program projects.
Article 5: Meetings
Section 1: Regular Meetings
A regular meeting of the full Commission shall be held the third Tuesday of every month unless the Commission orders otherwise in advance.
2: Annual Meeting
An annual meeting shall be held in January and shall be for the purpose of receiving annual reports as well as conducting the regular business of the Commission.
Section 3: Special Meeting
A special meeting may be held on the call of the Chairperson. The Chairperson is compelled to hold a special meeting if a majority of the full commission gives a written request. The purpose of the meeting shall be set forth in the notice. Notice of such a meeting shall be given at least eight (8) days in advance, and only said purpose may be discussed.
Section 4: Quorum
A majority of the appointed and confirmed membership shall constitute a quorum.
Section 5: Absences
Three consecutive absences may be cause for termination unless written notification is made to the membership. Notification of the regular absences should be mad prior to the meeting by telephone to the Corresponding Secretary.
Article 6: Committees
Each committee shall function independently toward their stated and agreed upon goals and objectives. Each committee shall develop and execute its own agenda. The committee’s work should be completed within the specified time frame for said work. Committee chairs will be a part of their assigned committee.
Section 1: Housing
This committee shall give its attention to the problems of affordable housing, housing repair, and the support services related to the overall housing effort.
Section 2: Social Support Services
Social support services be defined as any support services that improve or enhance the quality of life of the elderly such as food, clothing, medical and other human support.
Section 3: Recreation/Leisure/Employment
The committee recreation, leisure and employment shall work with city recreation programs to assure that activities are available for seniors. This includes all services and activities regardless of where seniors reside and congregate.
Section 4: Sanitation/Public Works
This committee shall give attention to individual and community needs whereby the senior can participate in problem solving.
Section 5: Crime Prevention/Public Safety
This committee shall deal with problems and solutions to aid the Public Safety department in making communities as safe as possible.
Section 6: Transportation
This committee shall strive to make transportation and its related services available to the elderly through the media and other communication sources as appropriate.
Section 7: Grievance Procedures
The Commission on Aging is committed to keeping a work environment where good communication can occur. Efforts will be taken when necessary to see prompt solutions to Commission-related issues and concerns. Any member at any time may ask to bring a grievance to the Commission for discussion and resolution.
Article 8: Public Relations
All members are asked to refrain from disclosing information of a confidential nature to unauthorized persons or groups, and from engaging in any action that might create poor public relations or damage the Commission’s reputation or good will. Each member shall act responsibly at all times.
Article 9: Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the Modern Edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the Commission in all cases where they do not conflict with the Atlanta City Council’s Charter, these bylaws, and any special rules of order the commission may adopt.
Article 10: Amendment
These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Commission by the majority of the members in attendance, provided that previous notice of the amendment was given to all at least ten (10) days in advance.