Contact Information
City of Atlanta
Office of Recreation
160 Trinity Avenue, SW, Suite 3100
Atlanta, GA 30303
Tommy Jackson
Head Coach
Tel: 404.293.5520
The purpose of this handbook is to provide parents and swimmers with information about the City of Atlanta Dolphins Swim Team and the various policies and procedures that affect parents and swimmers, year after year. It is essential that parents and swimmers read this handbook so that they may learn about facts and policies of the City of Atlanta Dolphin Swim Team.
General Description
The City of Atlanta Dolphins Swim Team is a member of United States Swimming. The swim team has developed into a first-class year-round competitive swim program which is known throughout the United States. We offer a guided Novice age 5 and older and a competitive age-group youth program for children age 7 and up, from the beginning swimmer to the most competitive and skilled swimmer.
Swim Seasons
The swim year is divided into a short course season and a long course season. Short course season runs from mid-September to the end of March and the meets are held in a 25-yard pool. Long course season runs from April to end of August and meets are held in a 50-meter pool (Olympic size). The City of Atlanta Dolphins Swim Team host two short courses meets in November and January and two long courses meet in June and July.
The City of Atlanta Dolphins Swim Team is a program of the Department of Parks Recreation and Cultural Affairs. The City of Atlanta Dolphins Swim Team was founded in 1984 by Aquatic Program Manager Askia Bashir. The team was composed of nine swimmers. The team was formed to provide an organized and structured competitive swim program that offers year-round instruction and competition for inner city youth. However, since 1984, the competitive program has expanded its goals to include training and strategy for members to secure athletic or academic scholarship.
Each year graduating team members receive education support through athletic or academic scholarships. A number of team members have attended and graduated from the Air Force Academy, Emory University, Florida A&M University, Howard University, Noth Carolina A&T University Albany State University and Stanford University. Several students are now attending, North Carolina a&T, University, North Carolina University, Georgia Southern University, Albany State University, Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse University, Georgia Tech , Duke University and others.
To provide opportunities for swim participants to grow and develop socially, mentally and physically, and to attain their maximum potential in competitive swimming.
To provide opportunities for participants to develop and practice self-discipline, good sportsmanship and respect for the rights of others.
To instill in each swim participant the appreciation of the value of hard work, commitment, dedication, perseverance, self-esteem and the importance of self-confidence.
To provide professional instructional, training and learning experiences that will meet the needs, interests and abilities of the swim participants.